Friday, October 18, 2024
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HomePoliticsWell Informed Voter

Well Informed Voter

An Educated Voter is the Best Voter

Every four years US voters will go to the polls to elect a President. Each political party have their own ‘base’. Lately ‘Evangelicals’ have become a key voting bloc for the Republican party. They have enough influence in some swing states to impact the outcome of an election.

In 1980 Ronald Reagan campaigned successfully to the Christian Right movement and ever since they tend to vote Republican. Republican party crafts social issues to appeal to its base. Abortion and Gay Marriage are the top two issues they use to pump up support and drive its base to the polls. School Prayers, school curriculum that often goes along with the fundamental Christian doctrines, terrorism are also major issues that appeals to the Republican party members. 

Republicans appeal to the evangelicals based on individual rights. The right for private ownership, right to own gun, the right to hoard wealth to themselves and to their children, the freedom to teach their children in a certain way mainly by home schooling, exert male authority in family and society, pay less taxes, liberty to preach politics from the pulpit, etc. Democrats often like to address the social issues. Minimum wages, universal health care, quality public education, Immigration, Climate Change, freedom of choice, women’s rights, labor unions and collective bargaining, freedom to assemble freely, etc. So the opponents of Democratic party often label them as “Socialists”. 

At this time of disinformation, it is vital that the average voter be aware of the actual issues. Voter must be well informed to make an educated decision. They should separate facts from fiction. People are inundated with conspiracy theories, false propaganda and memes on a daily basis. Russia, China and other foreign countries are trying to influence our election by posting false stories and videos. If you are not closely watching current news and issues, it is possible that you may end up making a wrong decision. And that bad choice will affect everyone. 

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