Friday, October 18, 2024
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HomePoliticsParty of Lincoln

Party of Lincoln

Big Switch

A common argument by the Republicans is that they are the “Party of Lincoln”. Of course, President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation and freed the slaves. Northern States, mainly Republicans, fought with the Southern Democrats in Civil War. Union army defeated the southern confederacy and slavery was abolished. Many former slaves travelled out of South to be reunited with their families and many migrated to North and West. 

Northern Republicans were comparatively rich. They made their money in transcontinental railway, Banking, Industrial and manufacturing plants. They wanted the government to provide infrastructure, currency, interstate banking, subsidies, incentives and tariffs. They were for the big government. Southern States, mainly farmers, did not like the idea of big government and they wanted the government out of their affairs.  

Republicans became the party of the rich. And the working class, laborers and minorities joined with the Democrats. Once rich Republicans got what they wanted from “big government” – like infrastructure and other benefits they turned against that idea and start advocating for small government. They do not want to pay tax, want to hoard wealth and were against employee rights. They didn’t like regulations and labor unions.

Democrats on the other hand were looking to the government for minimum wages and employee benefits laws, women’s rights, unemployment and other welfare programs. Many joined hands with Civil Rights Movements to get better parity through socio- economic changes. They became the party of ‘big government’. 

With the limited government idea, Nixon and Reagan went after the southern Democrats and lured them to the Republican Party. The racially charged southerners slowly took over the party. Now Republican party has changed its colors and became a party of the Rich, White, Male, Evangelicals. They are against immigrants, refugees, all social welfare programs, anti-regulations, anti-science and for tax cuts to the wealthy. 

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