Friday, October 18, 2024
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America First

World Leadership 

Current administration’s policies isolated US in the world stage. President’s style of governing with constant controversies, scandals and chaos destabilized the system. There is no consistency or stability. He flip flops on every issue. The Muslim travel ban, withdrawal from Paris climate accord & Iran Nuclear deal, cancellation of bilateral trade agreements, trade tariffs and conflict with NATO – all isolated America. That scared our allies and they decided to go ahead without USA. President’s admiration for dictators and communist regimes weakened democracies around the world. The “America First” agenda made other countries to put their “own Interest First” policies. America lost its world leadership position. 

 Then the pandemic hit. USA became number one in COVID cases and number of deaths. The administrations inability to contain the virus or quickly develop a vaccine or drug further eroded America’s position in the world. Conspiracy theories, Anti- Scientific stand, constant fights with doctors and experts, mocking mask policy, withdrawal from WHO all complicated the situation. Instead of leading the fight on Corona putting together a collaboration of nations, US became a victim of the virus and lost the war. Blamed other countries for the virus, restricted export of medical supplies to Canada and Mexico, blocked or seized medical equipment shipments. 

Other countries rushed to fill the void created by America. China became very successful in assuming an international leadership position. They made good progress in developing a cure for COVID. With latest technologies and cheap labor China became a contender on world class infrastructure projects in several countries. That country made big headway on renewable energy sector with windmills and solar energy panels. 

If America did not change its course on Environment, Health and Racial discrimination, we will be left behind and ‘America number One’ slogan will lose its meaning.

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