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“Bad Boy” Smith

Rock Was Hit By Will

Will Smith hitting Chris Rock at the 2022 Academy Awards Show is still a hot topic of discussion around the world. The incident happened on live television where over 16 million people were watching. Chris Rock was on stage to present the Best Documentary Feature award and made a joke about Will Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett. Ms. Pinkett had a close haircut because she suffers from an autoimmune disorder, alopecia, that causes hair loss. Chris Rock joked, “Jada, I love you, ‘G.I. Jane 2,’ can’t wait to see it”. For her role in the movie “G.I Jane” actress. Demi Moore shaved her hair. Will Smith smiled at first at the joke then suddenly got up and stormed the stage and slapped Rock in the face. Then returned to his seat and shouted, “Keep my wife’s name out of your mouth!”, (profanities eliminated). Chris Rock clearly shaken and stunned, continued with the award presentation. Will Smith remained in his seat and moments later won the Best Actor award for his role in “King Richard.” Los Angeles police officers were ready to arrest Smith for assault, but Rock refused to press charges.

Later on, Smith apologized to Rock for his actions at the 94th Oscar Award show, “I would like to publicly apologize to you, Chris”. I was out of line, and I was wrong. I am embarrassed and my actions were not indicative of the man I want to be. There is no place for violence in a world of love and kindness.” he wrote on Instagram. Days later Will Smith resigned from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The academy has accepted Smith’s resignation and said that it would continue disciplinary proceedings against the actor for violating the group’s standards of conduct. During the next board meeting on April 18, the Academy will decide what action it will take if any.

Will Smith’s actions disappointed a lot of people, especially the young ones who grew up watching “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”, a hit comedy sitcom of the 1990s. He was kind of a role model for black children. At 25 years, his marriage to Jada is one of the longest-lasting marriages in Hollywood. As one of the top acting couples, the Smiths were often the target of many jokes. Some suggested Will Smith snapped at Chris Rock because he was already on edge as a result of the many jokes he and his wife had endured in the past. But Smith clearly overreacted to an innocent joke by Chris Rock, who was not aware of Jada’s medical condition. Moreover, Jada is not a private person, but an accomplished actress on her own merits. So, Will Smith’s position that his wife is off-limits for jokes has no relevance.

A couple of questions on this subject; Why was Smith allowed to remain in the audience and was not escorted out after the incident? If the joke about Jada was so offensive and hurtful, how come she didn’t get up and smack Chris Rock? What would have happened if Rock hit Smith back? What would have been the reactions if it was a White actor, like Bruce Willis, who hit a black person at the show, or vice versa? What would have happened if Rock was bleeding, or knocked down on the stage?

Luckily no one was seriously hurt, Smith realized his mistakes and apologized for his misbehavior. He took responsibility, resigned from the Academy, and expressed his willingness to accept any punishment and face consequences. That shows the higher moral standards of Hollywood than many American politicians, who often refuse to take responsibility for their bad actions.

In the sitcom “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” Will Smith’s character was sent from Philadelphia to California by his mother after getting into a fight with some thugs whilst playing basketball. Now, since he had a fight in California, can we send him back to Philly?

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